Friday, April 29, 2011

Bad day

Yesterday was a bad parenting day. I love my son, no doubt about it. But I am an individual and I need a bit of time on my own as well. It's been about a month now since his holidays started. Everyday I have been taking care of him from morning till bedtime. His nap time is when I am a bit free. But with no maid and no one else to help I have all the chores at home pending till he is asleep. So even that time is not for me.

Yesterday his nap time was cut short and he woke up soon after he fell asleep. He didn't want to go back to sleep. So, I had to entertain him for a longer period. Since he is a very active kid, I was exhausted by 6 in the eve. I took him to the veg shop where I had to pay for the damage done by him....phew....he keeps running around and managing him outside home is very difficult. Even after returning home, he was still bored. He kept on pestering me. I had vessels to be washed, dinner to be made and a very dirty house. After a while, I couldn't take it anymore and I started screaming at him. He got scared. He was bored and wanted me to play with him. But with so many pending jobs how am I to satisfy him? Finally his dad came at 8.30. But it was atleast  9.00 before he could devote time to his son.....I am just waiting for this period to get over.....

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Has the li'l one grown up?

We are back home after a month to attend my brother's wedding. It was only my dear son, Akash and myself all along. He started missing his dad a few weeks before our holiday was about to come to an end. He was irritable always as opposed to the jolly little fellow who is beyond himself with joy when around people. So it must have been home sickness.
We arrived home only to find my sister-in law's family there. Mommy, daddy, aunt, uncle and a cute little cousin around must have made him happy. But still he is the same. Daddy is to be seen only in the morning and that too briefly. He has to fight with his cousin to get back his favourite toys. May be he has grown-up now. The old fellow who used to share his toys with his friends and who never used to miss dad when around friends is gone. I am worried about this behaivoral change in him. He went mad on seeing his old gang of friends again. Once they left, he has started off to be the gloomy fellow again. He is finding it difficult to adjust with his cousin who is just 18 months old.
His teacher was worried that he will start crying at school after such a long break but he has settled down at school. Its only home that he finds uncomfortable. I just wish that my son will be back to his old self again. May be this phase will pass off as he grows up...... 

Monday, November 29, 2010

My Bro's Wedding

Finally, my younger brother is getting married. My mother has been scouring all the matrimonial sites and the listings at the agencies. The match was fixed through a common friend. How will he be after getting married is a million dollar question among our relatives. He needs a push and shove every time he is expected to do something. He rarely leaves home except with his friends. He is always indoors when he visits us. He is good with kids and my son adores him. Otherwise, he is very quiet and does not speak much unless spoken to. Let's see if he takes his wife out...;-) I was wondering if he will talk to his fianceƩ..;-) Juz waiting to see how he will transform....:-) 2 more months to go......

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Days Bygone

I happened to hear the song "Pasumai Niraintha Ninaivugalae.." today. This song was sung by one of our teachers on our farewell day at school. Many of us cried when we parted. We had studied together for almost 14 years and it was really hard to part. Then we started college and most of us lost track of our school friends. Except for a few, we didn't know what had happened to the rest of us. Now, so many years after college, just one or two manage to stay in touch. I haven't met in person any of my school friends in 3 years. The bygone days remain so, but are filled with fun-filled memories....

Monday, June 28, 2010

Off to school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People say he is too small for school, but my dear son seems to love it there. For the first time in his life, he was away from me for an hour...he did miss me but not bad enough to cry...:-). He likes to be around people. May be that's the reason he likes school. This has taken a huge worry off his dad's shoulders...;-)...he would have cried on the first day of our baby's school if he had stayed any longer....:-). Let's hope that our lil one breezes through this year with all smiles......

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Baby

My baby is no more a baby....hmm...he is a big boy now...:) He will turn 2 soon and he has already started assisting me at home...:) Wants to do everything I do and that too on his own. He sweeps and mops, takes the dirty vessels to the sink. Doesn't let me sit with my empty plate in front of the TV. He tugs me along to the kitchen or jus removes the cute......:) He waters the plants and has his very own mint in the garden...:) He switches off the lights and fan once he leaves the room and asks everybody else to do so too. He points his fingers at the door asking me to close it when we leave the house....there are so many more that my lil one can do.......-:) even with his risky antics he is an adorable boy......

Mothers and sons

The role of a mother in a child's life is something that can not be replaced. She is instrumental in shaping up the child's character. But how far can a mother cling on to her child? Parents are a means to bring a new life in to this world. They have the responsibility to teach them to be a good human being. But they can not force the child to live the life they want them to lead.
Any individual needs his or her own space. So how much space does a married son need? He must know to balance his life between his parents and his own family. His own family is his wife and children. He has the responsibility to take care of his parents. A wife can not deny her husband that right. At the same time he should realise that his family needs his care too.
When a son doesn't know this balancing act, the parents take advantage. There are many children who forget their parents once they are married. But there are a few guys who love their parents unconditionally. At this point, there are not many parents who try to make their daughter in-law feel at home. She is some one who is always an outsider. Even when the daughter in-law tries to adjust in her new environment, the parents in-law don't let her.
Why do parents get their son married? Its to get him a partner who will stay with him all through his life. But how many parents let it become a reality? They try their mighty best to keep them apart.
Will there ever be a time when a daughter in-law will be welcomed as the daughter of the house too, the sisters in-law will treat her as their own sister? When this happens there won't be the question of space at all.